جمحورية لترماورية
  République d'Étarmoire
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Government - مايقزن Others - الدري

Economic Data

Currency: Tarmoryan Dinar (TYD) - Denar Tarmorij (plural, Denari Tarmoriji), subdivided in 100 qentesimi


Exchange Rate: TYD 27.19 = EUR 1.00

Economy: agriculture - olive, citrus, grapes & other fruits, goats (7%); industry - food & textile (38%); tourism (12%); other services (43%).

GDP: USD 8.6 billions (2020)

GDP per capita: USD 4 879.00 (2020)

Export: 38.8% of GDP - textiles, dried fruits, goat cheese, citric juice, olive oil, wine

Import: 30.4% of GDP - manufactured goods, fuel, vehicles

Major Partners: EU, Eastern Europe, US, Nigeria, African countries, Middle East, China, Japan

Labor Force: 734 000 workers (48.2%): Agriculture (9%); industry (29%) and services (62%).

Major Companies: s'Sehare (cloths, textile); AirTar (airlines); Aman l'Dhab (citrus juice); Societé Vinicole Marezzourdaise (wine); Qasr (olive oil, dried fruits); Montij (dairy products), Giacomo Youhanne (leather shoes & coats).